Assist2Sell Marinette Menominee Discount Real Estate wants to thank Amy Steier C…

October 18, 2019

Assist2Sell Marinette Menominee Discount Real Estate

Assist2Sell Marinette Menominee Discount Real Estate wants to thank Amy Steier Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group
This seller saved $7,250.00!!* To date, we have saved our sellers more than $177,000.00!* Call us today to find out what we can do for you!!
#sellersaved #friendsdontletfriendspay6percent #whatcanwedoforyou #whatwouldyoudowithyourmoney #waysmarter #assist2sellmarinette #assist2sellmenominee #francinekitkowski #pattyhassmer #calltoday *Savings compared to paying a 6% commission. 6% used for comparison purposes only. Commissions may be negotiable and are not set by law.

