New Listing!Menominee, MI$69,900• 44.5 Acres• House and Add’l Acreage Availa…

December 4, 2019


New Listing!
Menominee, MI

  • • 44.5 Acres
  • • House and Add’l Acreage Available

Menominee Country recreational acreage. Over 44 wooded acres with a creek. Recreational piece for hunting, atv or building. Spruce, poplar, white pine and tamrack. Limestone is also available. Great place to just put up a large garage or pole building for storage. Power at road, no natural gas available. Survey on file.

For more information call Francine at 715-587-0126.

#newlisting #menominee #michiganhomes #huntingland #buildyourdreamhome #francinekitkowski #assist2sellmarinette #assist2sellmenominee #waysmarter

